Monday, March 18, 2013

Rash of fatal teen wrecks puts focus on parents

"Rash of fatal teen wrecks puts focus on parentsThe crashes during the week that ended Tuesday, hammer home an overlooked reality of teenage driving: The risk of a teen driver dying in a crash rises sharply with teen passengers in the car. Details vary in the recent crashes, but each involved a teen driver with teen passengers.

That fact highlights both the pivotal role of parenting in the treacherous maze that is learning to drive, and the need for states to do more in implementing stronger graduated driver licensing (GDL) programs that phase in privileges for novice drivers as they gain experience, some safe driving advocates say."

The Allstate Foundation recommends seven laws which demonstrate effectiveness in reducing teen injuries and fatalities: 

  1. a minimum age of 16 for a learner's permit;
  2. a six-month holding period for the permit; 
  3. 30-50 hours of supervised driving; 
  4. night-time limits; 
  5. passenger restrictions; 
  6. cellphone limits, and
  7. a minimum age of 18 for an unrestricted license.
Colorado falls short of these recommendations by not implementing the first and seventh laws listed. Additionally, the night-time limits in Colorado are less stringent than best practice would suggest (Colorado's night time restriction begins at midnight instead of 10 p.m.).

Read more about Colorado's Graduated Drivers License laws at