Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Supporting Walkable Communities: Walking Towards an Anti-Racist Walking Movement

June 2020
Walking Towards an Anti-Racist Walking Movement
Like many of you, we are digesting the much-needed critique of white-centered urbanism and identifying how we are complicit in that as we walk our walk. 

Our mission states that everyone should have safe, equitable, accessible, and enjoyable places to walk and move. Yet, we know the system by which our cities are planned and designed, is built on the foundation of structural racism.

We commit to promoting an anti-racist walking movement with an active interrogation of the power dynamics of mobility justice and dismantling oppression in land use and transportation decision making.

As we continue to listen and learn, our current actions include:

  1. Centering Black, Indigenous and people of color’s voices on our platform and in our publications, moving out of the way to feature those with the lived experience to lead.
  2. Only supporting projects and initiatives that address structural racism and implement anti-racist efforts.
  3. Following the direction of BIPOC urbanist and mobility experts to operationalize the steps required to transform systems and promote the actions most likely to create anti-racist walkable environments.

Below are thought-provoking pieces that helped us question the ways we work, and for whom. We invite you to read them to continue listening, learning and seeking necessary discomfort alongside us.