Monday, October 7, 2019

Resource: CDC Releases Linking Information for Nonfatal Crash Surveillance (LINCS) Guide

CDC Releases Linking Information for Nonfatal Crash Surveillance (LINCS) Guide

In the United States, each year around 3 million people are nonfatally injured in motor vehicle crashes. Information about these crashes are collected by various data sources, such as police, hospital, and emergency medical services records. However, if states are not linking data, they are limited in what they know about these injuries and how to best prevent them. Data linkage is connecting data sets from three crash phases—before, during and after a crash—to provide more robust motor vehicle crash data for:
  • Analysis
  • Evaluation
  • Surveillance
  • Prevention efforts 

Existing data sources are generally collected and stored separately, but linking these data sets can create a more comprehensive understanding of motor vehicle crashes. States face many challenges when starting—and at times maintaining—data linkage programs. To address this challenge, CDC released the Linking Information for Nonfatal Crash Surveillance (LINCS) Guide to help states start or expand data linkage programs. The guide explains the key components of successful linkage programs and outlines the data-linkage process.

The guide addresses the following objectives:
  • Understand how linked data can be used 
  • Document challenges and successes in implementing linkage programs
  • Explore methods and tools available for data linkage
  • Help states start linking data or expand and improve current linkage programs 

The guide is based on:
  • Best practices of successful linkage programs
  • Updates environmental scans for linkage research, methods, and tools
  • State data linkage pilot efforts
  • Lessons learned in previous efforts 

Download CDC's LINCS Guide here and share with your networks to help them start or enhance their data linkage program. Together, we can get the whole picture!