Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Webinar: Proactive Traffic Safety - Communication Tools to Reach Our Shared Vision of Zero Deaths and Serious Injuries

Title: Proactive Traffic Safety - Communication Tools to Reach Our Shared Vision of Zero Deaths and Serious Injuries

Date: Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019

Time: 12:00 pm (MST)

Description: In this webinar, Dr. Kari Finley will introduce a variety of communication tools that can be implemented immediately to build the capacity of critical stakeholders to grow proactive traffic safety. Proactive traffic safety is proactive behaviors demonstrating commitment to a safe roadway transportation system. Examples of proactive behaviors include: supporting existing traffic safety efforts, planning a safe way to get home before driving alcohol, speaking up about other people’s unsafe behaviors like driving distracted, establishing family rules like never texting while driving, and establishing workplace policies like always wearing a seat belt in a company vehicle.

Sue Sillick, Research Programs Manager, Montana Department of Transportation
Dr. Kari Finley, Research Scientist, Center for Health and Safety Culture

Access the webinar here!